Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mr. Lincolns Wife...

ok, so in my last post I told you about the BooksBloom Seminar we hosted right? I was flipping through the biographies when I came across one titled Mr. Lincoln's Wife & I was intrigued. In my mind I've kinda thought of the names we learn in history but never thought of the persons bearing the name, you get what I'm saying? Like I remember Abraham Lincoln, the President known as "honest Abe" but know nothing of the man behind the name.

As I was drawn in to the life of Mary Todd Lincoln, I thought to myself, huh, she and I could have probably been friends. It talks about how she came from a fairly nice family & they didn't quite approve of Abraham Lincoln, thinking he wouldn't go very far or be successful, but how she had set her mind on waiting for him, and boy did she! lol ;p Mrs. Lincoln caught alot of flack after coming into the White House for the money that she spent whilst the war was going on, and while I agree that she could have been more conservative with her purchases, I also can see how she was easily swept up in the shopping. She had just moved from her home, away from her family, her husband constantly busy with work, people in Washington were not at all welcoming her to the neighborhood. So the sales people were happy to see her, speaking ever so pleasantly I'm sure, now lets be honest here, I'd want to stay there too right? The Lincolns had 4 children, I never knew Mr. Lincoln was married before this book much less that they had children :) Robert, Eddie, Willie, Taddie... Poor woman, all that testosterone in one place, she had to stand her ground (: 

Eddie was the first of her children to pass away from illness, then Willie became gravely ill and passed away while they were serving in Washington. Mr. Lincoln after being re-elected for The Presidency to serve his second term was out for the evening and was shot sitting right next to his wife. Now, I'm just adding my 2sence worth here but I think I would have lost my mind way before this point! Mrs. Lincoln started having dreams of Willie and Mr.Lincoln and people thought she was going a bit insane. She moved to Europe for several years to live comfortably and out of the public eye I imagine too. After coming home Taddie who had graduated, became sick and died. She only had her eldest son Robert left and he had her committed! Oh my, when I read that part I was like, seriously? I'm sure he thought it was in her best interest at the time, but really? This poor lady had been thought it in her life, I wonder how lonely she must have been, going from a house full of children to one by one them slipping away, only to be followed by the death of her husband whom she adored, pushed to succeed, proudly watched him blossom. To one day wake up and find it all gone? Makes me so sad to think of her in that place, but, as a wife and mother myself I can assure you she'd have done it all over again. Mrs. Lincoln eventually won back her freedom from the institution and spent her final days back at home in Springfield with her sister Elizabeth. 
I've learned so much about the Lincoln Family through this book, I can say with confidence I now understand what a living book is! Oh, I can't wait to dive into the next one!

Friday, April 22, 2011


So our home school co-op hosted Gary & Jan Bloom for a BooksBloom Seminar. It was simply wonderful. For more info on them and their love for the written word click here. I've fallen in love with the living books and this concept of education: Education is, an atmosphere, a discipline, a life...Charlotte Mason. This year our schooling has been so smooth and lovely, Thank You Jesus!

I knew before I left that I would want to buy everything lol, so when i asked my dear sweet husband how much I could spend, he replied with a nervous..."try to keep it under $100" And off on my mission I began...
I learned, listened, talked to liked minded people in my circle for day1. Day2, I went with a carefully compiled booklist with the help of the lovely Sonya Shafer and began to shop, and shop, and shop. After shopping, calculating, discounts (20% off everything) and coupons ($15 off) I came home with about 35 books from my wish list and spent $99.96! Hey that's under $100! :) ahhh bliss! 
Yes, I am very easily excited (;

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time Out for Tea...

Tea Parties are such a wonderful event in our home, It sometimes can be a silly party of bears & dolls, other times just each other and good conversation.

However silly or serious the topic of discussion I can't help but wonder if my babies will remember these times and cherish them as I already do. They are growing up so fast, I keep trying to push pause, but my remote must be broken ;)

Check out this awesome Give-away from Raising Homemakers today here

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Girl...

a girlfriend of mine from co-op wore the cutest spring outfit last week & I thought Sissy would look oh so cute in it :) so I traveled over to her blog here and linked up to get the inspiration to make this little outfit. now I will admit, I didn't use a pattern, I just tend to eyeball it most of the time ;) but oh my goodness she just loves this set & I figure we can dress it up w/ a ruffled sweater or just throw on some sandals and head to the beach. She says "mama, it feels so soft"

I wish I would've gotten a better pic of the skirt but I just couldn't zoom in past that
sweet little face (: ... thanks Stef for the idea we love it, yes we, I got enough material to make mommy a matching set as well (:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Dream...

about a month ago my cousin & I took a group of teenage girls to The Revolve Tour!
Awesome Conference! check it out if you've never heard of it
the overall theme for the weekend was Dreams whether it be for your homelife, school,
career choice, your future husband all aspects of your life. That as children we all have dreams and
often as we grown into adults the world wears away at our dreams making us think that 
they are silly or childish, not meaning to be relevant in adulthood. But our God who knows
us inside and out has put these dreams and desires within us, he knows what makes us tick,
this is a gift! And while I was thinking, Wow, this is so great for the girls to hear!

The Lord began a work in me. I was overwhelmed but His hand in my life, see when I was younger, I had a plan. I did extremely well in school, loved learning & my dream was to attend Florida States University, My Major would be Psychology, my Minor would be Acting (theatre) literally by the time I was in 5th grade this was my plan and would be my plan until the day I took a pregnancy and it was positive. I was only 16 years old, I had walked away from God's will for my life and blatantly disregarded the umbrella of protection that my parents supplied for me. I done this, I ruined my plan, my dream....

By the time I was 18 I had a beautiful baby boy, left my mom & dad, married, divorced, and moved back home to raise my child as a single mom. I had failed, in every sense of the word as far as I was concerned. So I stopped dreaming I did what I  needed to do each day to make it through, to care for my son in the best way I could. Little my little God pulled me back to him. Changed my heart, helped me let go of bitterness & the shame that I carried for so long. I realize now looking back that my boy through all the mistakes I had made and the sin I had committed, God gave him to me! He chose me to be his mom, so surely I can do this, if not for myself for him :)....

This story seems now like I am reading about someone else, seeing how far The Lord has brought me...
fast forward to now & it literally hit me like a ton of bricks! Jesus put in me a new dream, and I hadn't even realized it, Wow! I prayed for a godly husband, to love me even on the days I don't love myself, I prayed for healthy children, I prayed and dreamed of the day I could live this "Leave it to Beaver" life.
So, not only did God put in my heart a new dream but He also gave me my dream! I am so thankful, so aware of how unworthy I am for His constant presence & blessings in my life. 
Makes everything else seem so small (=
I'm living the Dream, My Dream ... Blows my mind!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thank You Lord!

So, I've really been struggling w/ my homemaking (or lack there of) and I began praying continuously several weeks ago that God would put a desire in my heart to "love" my home and care for it accordingly. You see I never considered myself to be a perfectionist by any means, now a control freak, Yes lol! But I find myself frantically running around trying to get it in order when I just can't stand it any more just to turn around & see that it is in total disarray yet again! Seriously? but then in my back and forth convo with my Abba Father it has dawned on me (meaning he showed me & i pretend to have thought of it myself) wink, wink. Our home was always spotless before because we didn't live in it really, Wesley & I both worked all day Aaron was at school then there was always a function or practice to be at before grabbing a bite to eat then heading home in time for bed. But now, I'm blessed to be able to stay home all day with all 3 of my wonderful children, we eat, sleep , play, learn, & live in our home. It is in constant motion & when I look at it from that perspective the stress factor leaves me, now that doesn't mean I can just throw my hands up and quit. I must still keep up on daily upkeep and regular cleaning routines but instead of looking into my living room & seeing a magazine cover I see... a pile of books that we've shared together, a blanket that we snuggle under together, a puzzle worked so patiently by my babygirl, a life! What a gift I've been given, Thank you Lord for showing me!

Check out this incredible blog & e-book, I feel like Jesus just gave me Ice cream with my cake ;)